eyeTrain Connect

Case Study

eyeTrain Connect provides a real time, accurate analysis of your vehicles and on board equipment, including status, usage and condition data on a train by train level, through any internet enabled device.



  • Fully authenticated access with configurable security levels
  • A homepage containing a high level overview of your fleet’s operating status and location of all assets
  • A traffic light system gives you an instant fleet overview status
  • Data management tools designed to help you quickly identify trends and measure component usage and reliability, assisting in the diagnosis of complex or intermittent problems that might otherwise be difficult to solve
  • Live or pre recorded video and data downloads can be scheduled and stored to a secure archive or transmitted in real time for immediate viewing to enable immediate decision making

EyeTrain Equipment Status

  • Tabular List of Vehicle Status updated at a configurable period, given the trains have a connection to eyeTrain Connect
  • Quick View ‘Traffic Light’ indication
  • Detailed status information on selection

Video Data Download

  • Recorded footage from vehicles can be requested by authenticated users via simple web request form

Live Video Streaming

  • Real time images direct from camera
  • User can select 1 of 3 streaming profiles

Access to Data

  • Access to most features by any internet connected media device
  • Access password protected
  • Access protected against cyber attack

User Accounts

  • Define different levels of access for individual users
  • Set/Reset/Change Passwords
  • User access and activity will be recorded

eyeTrain Connect Hosting

The eyeTrain Connect software will be either deployed to a customer server or will be hosted on a petards cloud server.

The eyeTrain Connect service will reside in our Hosting Partner’s environment based on leading edge technologies from HPe, Dell/EMC and VMware. The IaaS environment is operated across two North East Data Centres and provides a highly robust and highly available virtual environment with no single points of failure.


You can rely on our highly skilled engineers to support you from the specification of your project, whether new build or retrofit, to the installation and lifetime support of our products.